Welcome to the Logan County Cattlewomen’s Page. Logan County Cattlewomen will be an affiliate of CCA (Colorado Cattlemen's Association) LCCW will be dedicated to the beef industry. The purpose of LCCW is to promote beef as a product, to educate the public about the industry and its contributions, currently and historically; and to educate about and protect the agricultural lifestyle.
We are so happy you all are here.


A note from Britt.
Hello! I am, Britty, President and founding member of LCCW. My husband Morgan and I live southwest of Sterling with our boys Waker Morgan and Hudson Allen. I am also a bonus mom to a beautiful teenage girl named Paige. My family owns and operates a small feedyard in Merino, where we feed cattle from all over the country. I handle all of the feedyards risk management. We also run about 750 yearlings in the summer on grass. The boys and I very much enjoy checking the cattle on grass! It is about favorite thing to do in the summer. Our time
is coming when we chase our boys around doing all the activities that boys do, but until then we enjoy spending time with friends, traveling to cattle sales, going to Rockies games, and hanging out with our families. I was born on a ranch in the middle of nowhere in Colorado, and I have always felt that the love I have for cattle and the cattle industry was bred in me.....I believe the love and passion I have cannot be taught....it is just inside you. To get up and do what we do everyday, you have to absolutely love it, it is not just a job for us, it’s a way of life, it is what we want our children to take over and love. The long nights, the early mornings, the cold winters, the long stretches without any rain, all of this is not for the faint of heart but here we all still are doing it everyday and we do it for the love of our country and the people in it. I am proud to call Colorado my home. And our Colorado ranchers and farmers are the best stewards of the land, we are proud of the way we treat and take care for our animals, we love feeding the world and providing a sustainable food source because we want there to something left here for our children, our grandchildren and their children and their grandchildren. We are not the problem we are the solution. I am going to leave you with a quote from one of my favorite movies....McLintock “Everybody works for somebody. Me, I work for everybody in these United States that steps into a butcher's shop for a T-bone steak” I am so excited to have the opportunity to be apart of this amazing group of women!
Hi! I’m Niki, VP and founding member of LCCW. My husband Bret and I live North of Sterling with our daughters Grace and Lyla. We own and operate a cow/calf operation and raise oats, rye, millet and alfalfa among other crops. We also have a small custom feeding operation where we are proud to offer beef that is born, raised, fed and harvested right here in the great state of Colorado. When we aren’t chasing our girls around to basketball, livestock judging or 4H activities; we enjoy spending time at the lake with friends, traveling to bull sales and hanging out with our families. As a native Coloradan I’ve always been proud to call this great state home. I’m passionate about the beef industry because I believe the well-being of animals, feeding the world and providing a sustainable food source are important things to provide for the generations that come after me. We can all be a part of the solution to preserving our Colorado agriculture roots by working together to form lines of communication, listening to each other and education. I’m excited to be a part of this wonderful group of #agvocates!


Hi my name is Dezarae Johnson I am your LCCW secretary. My husband Eric and I live south east of Sterling on a small farm with our three kids, our son Harper our daughter Aly & our son Mason. I was born in Greeley Colorado but grew up in Nebraska where I attended Nebraska College of Technical Agriculture and took classes in Ag Production with an emphasis in Feedlot Management. My husband and I moved to Colorado in 2007 when he returned from combat operations in Iraq. His career both before and after the military, in Ag Retail is what brought us to CO. We have always been passionate about agriculture especially cattle, so in 2015 when we got the chance to buy a house on 3 acres with the potential to grow we were happy to pounce on it. Slowly over the last 6 years we have expanded and grown into a commercial cow/calf herd with a custom hay business. Besides loving cattle and being an “agvocate” I work on the farm, manage the cattle, chase the kids around to every event and substitute at my kids school when I can. Being a part of this group has been an enlightening and learning experience for me. I have truly enjoyed getting to know all of these women. I look forward to serving this club the best I can, and continuing to learn from all these amazing woman.
Kelly Huenink
Hello! My name is Kelly Huenink. While I may not officially be a "founding member", I was present at our very first meeting and have been actively involved ever since. Currently, I have the pleasure of serving as the treasurer of our group.
I grew up on a large cattle ranch southeast of Eagle, Colorado, where I developed a strong foundation in agriculture. My passion for this field led me to participate actively in both 4-H and FFA, culminating in my role as a state FFA officer during the 1986–87 term.
My educational journey took me through Northeastern Junior College, Colorado State University, and Kansas State University, where I earned a bachelor's degree in agricultural education, along with postgraduate studies in agricultural business. I spent three years teaching high school agricultural education, advising the FFA chapter, and guiding the Young Farmer group.
In 1995, I joined the agriculture department at Northeastern Junior College, where I proudly served for 20 years. One of my favorite experiences was co-advising the Aggies Club, which I affectionately called the "Oldest, Biggest, and Best club on campus!" GO NJC!
In 1993, my family purchased equal shares of a ranch east of Kersey. Having grown up with a father who worked for other landowners, we wanted to provide our parents with a legacy for their retirement. After 27 years, we sold the ranch when my father's health made it challenging for him to continue.
Along the way, God called me into ministry. I led a Christian women's group for three years, have served as a missionary in East Africa since 2010, and currently serve as the Pastor at Chapel of the Plains in Stoneham, Colorado, where I have been for just over two years. They have blessed me with the opportunity to continue the mission work in Africa.
I am grateful for the opportunity to stay connected to my agricultural roots through the Logan County Cattlewomen.

Jenny Breuer
Hello all! My name is Jenny Breuer and I have just been elected as the LCCW reporter. I am excited to be a part of this team and represent this wonderful organization. I am a Wisconsin native that transplanted to the plains of NE Colorado, for cattle of course! I have been a pen rider at a feedlot in Proctor for 12 years and have recently gone full time on the fire department in Sterling as a firefighter and EMT. I am know as collector of animals, always having a herd surrounding me. This includes dogs, horses, donkeys and cattle. I enjoy the outdoors and if cows are around you can count me in. Welcome to our website and please eat beef! The west wasn’t won on salad.